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Wednesday, May 26, 2010 . 1:30 AM

3days 2 night camp finally finish.
It feels like a dream.
Looks real but nt so realistic
It was fun for sure.

1st Day
I still remember the first day.
I thought that the group is by
index no. but in the end I also
dun understand they separate
us into our group. I look in the group
lists(Antwerp), I only no afew ppl. But...
We had our first activity:
"Flying fox" & "River crossing"
I get to chat with other gals(JingRu,Angela) in my group.
As i'm the last gal to play that activity,
I could only chat with the guys
when the other gals r gone.
The guy beside mi was a guy(Jasper).
After that we sat down to chat.
Den we try building tt raft.
We haven finish, we had to stop due to rain.
We went back to tt place we would spend our nite in.
We bath n head out for dinner.
After dinner we discuss wad r we doing on the day
of campfire night but cant get any ans.
After that we had our nite walk from deep in the jungle.
Before we head out, the instructor would giv us some warning.
Mi & Jing ru walk together for a solo nite walk as I hav
Nite blindness. We told the instructors let us walk together.
Before supper, We did our cheer that we finally figure out, eat
our supper & sleep. First day went by.

2nd Day
We woke up at 6+. Eat breadfast & continue with our activity.
Now tt group is much more bonded. There is more
things to talk about although all of us r nt in tt same class.
First it was tt "SOC" it was some obstacles that we hav to pass.
Tt part that has most space in my mind was tt "Low V".
I partner haikal. It was according to heights. but we had quite a gd balance.
Then my favorite part of that day "Scavenger Hunt" I lik tt part when we all in tt water. Tt weather Damn HOT!!!!! when in water my whole body cool down.
Went for bath to prevent cold really v.v.v.v.fast
NO PPL THERE!!!! (PS NOTHING TO DO) Campfire nite I enjoyed myself alot.
Especially when my group perform & when we r singing tt songs.
My group short drama is about Antwerp history. Its twisted so it would b much more funnier. First model miss jasper[Jasper] With gucci Bag. Secong model miss Hanise[Hanise] with prada belt(If I nt wrong) Last is Miss HAHA[Haikel] We laugh until cant stand it.....
However, Group 10 short drama was better than ours. So they won.

3rd Day
So fast last day le. thinkin all is lik a dream that last 3 days.
Kind of sad to b separated after bonding...
We do our last & final activity "Outdoor cooking" We cook noodles.
mix 2 packet together...................& soup taste Great!!!!!! :)
But at least hav Last lunch together...
I REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY MISS MY GROUP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, May 9, 2010 . 8:32 PM

Here to post he first chap of the story.

Confession 1
Senpai, I am Jin Le Er from class E2. I have admired Senpai for a long time. I hope you could go out with me. Sorry Jin Le Er,I am not interested in girls whom are fat; short ugly & Nerdy. If you ever become slim, tall pretty & smart I may consider placing you in the waiting list. Maybe in your next life. HaHaHa…. Hey Johnny another Princess Wannabee?? Since that confess, I realize that in order to return what those 19 guys have gave me I have to turn pretty during the summer break. During the summer break, I did monster training at Kyoto beach. I borrowed my uncle’s villa to stay.
I decide to take revenge by how much they hurt me. After days of planning I decide to return everything they gave me but there is 1 guy I don’t know what to do with him as he didn’t hurt me that much. Thus I cancel his name.
Finally, after days of suffering school reopen. As per normal I went to my class, sit down & read my books. The people around me keep discussing who is sitting in le er’s sit. Only when dove came she said wow is it really you le er! When you said you slim down, I didn’t believe but now I’m really impress. That moment all my classmates ask me if I went for a plastic surgery? I said no, I just eat Breadfast exercise & eating dinner before 6pm for the whole summer holiday. The news spread through the whole school thus all the boys came to my class to see if what everyone said is true. Thanks to that news I can take revenge on first 10 targets.

Thursday, May 6, 2010 . 1:40 AM

Hihi Here to update my dead blog.
I no I will be dead for using com during exam
I think I goin type out the story I thought out.

The name is Confession.

Character’s info

Dawn Jin le er
Born in 6 October 1990
Has a nickname Kokoro
She has a bestes Dove.
A brother older than her by a year.
His name is Jin Zheng yuan.
Her Father is a Korean.
Mother is a Japanese.
Both died when She was 3.

Jin zheng yuan
born in 30 October 1989
He has a buddy Takashi.
sister younger than him him by a year,
Her name is Dawn Jin le er.
Father is Korean.
Mother is a Japanese.
Both died when he is 4.

Born in 21 June 1990
Her bestes Dawn.
Born in a rich family
So does not need anything
Just hope her father
would spend more time
at home as parents divorced
when she was 5.

Ando Takashi
born in 11 November 1989.
His buddy is Zheng yuan.
Try his best for everything.
Top 20 in school for his level.
His father died in a car
accident when he was young.

Hatoyama Makoto
Born in 28 January 1989
Both Parents Brain Specialize
Doctor in the city most
Famous hospital.1st Prince
the Of the school.

Yukio Umari
Born in 28 March 1989.
Son of Worldwide musicians.
Father is a Violinist.
Mother is a Flutist.
2nd prince of the school .

Taro Ozu

Born in 28 June 1989.
Father is Taiwan richest
Business man. Mother is
the board of director.
3rd Prince of the school.
Hihi Here to update my dead blog.
I no I will be dead for using com during exam
I think I goin type out the story I thought out.

The name is Confession.

Character’s info

Dawn Jin le er Jin zheng yuan

Born in 6 October 1990 born in 30 October 1989

Has a nickname Kokoro He has a buddy Wei Cheng.

She has a bestes Dove. A brother older than her by

A sister younger than him him by a year, Her name is

A year, his name is Jin Zheng yuan. Father is a

Dawn Jin le er. Father is Korean. Mother is a Japanese.

a Korean. Mother is a Both died when he is 4.

Japanese. Both died when

She was 3.

Dove Ando Takashi

Born in 21 June 1990 born in 11 November 1989.

Her bestes Dawn His buddy is Zheng yuan.

Born in a rich family Try his best for everything.

So does not need anything Top 20 in school for his level.

Just hope her father His father died in a car

would spend more time accident when he was young.

at home as parents divorced

when she was 5.

Hatoyama Makoto Yukio Umari

Born in 28 January1989 Born in 28 March 1989.

Both Parents Brain Specialize Son of Worldwide

Doctor in the city most musicians. Father is a

Famous hospital. 1st Prince Violinist. Mother is a Flutist.

the Of the school. 2nd prince of the school .

Taro Ozu

Born in 28 June 1989.

Father is Taiwan richest

Business man. Mother

is the board of director.

3rd Prince of the school.

Saturday, March 20, 2010 . 6:34 AM

Nothing much to type.
My holiday quite boring.
Most of those 7 days in tt week
was spend at home.

I met up with becky for lunch
at least 2 days in this week.
Read the first chap of the story
that I thought of.
Tt story didnt really have any comedy
but when it was drew out,
Becky help me at comedy in tt story.
Many thanx to her.

If wan to no wad tt story is about...
It is about this gal confessing to 19 guys
18 of them nt only break her heart
they also made fun of her.
thus during her summer holiday she exercise
every single day & had salad for most of her
3 meals in a day. After holiday she went back to sch
As she look much better she took her revenge on those
18 guys easily.
The rest will have to wait till my next post.

Thanx for tagging, maybe u pass by to tag or
hav nothing to do so u tag. thanx. :D

Friday, February 12, 2010 . 8:08 AM

Today is first day of CNY.
Saw my cousins.
Tt 1 that is older than mi by 1yr,
Grew v.fast (In height) He also look much better.
Plae chess with my cousin(Younger than mi de)
& I lost.......T.T

Now for Manga stuff.
This involves 3 Person.
1st-> Gal A
2nd->Guy B
3rd->Guy C

Gal A admire this Guy B & I try my best to forget him
but recently, he keep showing up in front of Gal A.
Den this Guy C made Gal A laugh in her sch days
every time they met. Although this Guy C
always lik bully Gal A but he didnt really
bully until She cry that type.
Gal A thinks that she mix up tt relationship
of frienz & BG relation. Now she is all mess up.
(At least thats where I stop reading)

Well thats all for now.
Happy chinese new yr & Valentine day!!!!!!!!

Thursday, February 11, 2010 . 12:22 AM

Today sch as BORING as per normal...
Mr teo de voice also as loud as last yr.
(When he shout at someone)
Everything starts lik this.... Nt with once upon a time.
He brought us to library Den alot of us jus chit-chat didnt read.
Some keep changing bks. Some play with their hp...
When come back he say he tolerate us from yesterday until today.
Den he started shouting... Den as per normal hav some ppl
Smile abit he scold that person. He shout so loud that
another teacher came to c wad happen.
Den school continue to b BORING!!!!!

For dunno which particular reason I suddenly hav an urge to watch BOF
(Korean version de) weird rite???
Since I dunno I hav anymore things to post I'll stop here :D